Friday, April 3, 2009

Bible Reading: Proverbs 1-3 (Friday)

Bostan's favorite Verse:

1:5 and 6

"A wise person will listen and take in more instruction, and a man of understanding is the one who acquires skillful direction, (6) to understand a proverb and a puzzling saying, the words of wise persons and their riddles.

3:21, 22, 24

"My son, may not get away from your eyes. Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability.

(:22) and they will prove to be life to your soul and charm to your throat. (:24) Whenever you lie down you will feel no dread; and you will certainly lie down, and your sleep must be pleasurable."

Lain's Favorite Verse:

Proverbs 3: 17-18

17 Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its roadways are peace. 18 It is a tree of life to those taking hold of it, and those keeping fast hold of it are to be called happy.

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